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NEJM article implicates common vaccine ingredient as cause of serious type of kidney disease. ~ Suzanne Humphries, MD
A June, 2011 New England Journal Of Medicine article titled “Early-Childhood Membranous Nephropathy Due to Cationic Bovine Serum Albumin”[1] recently caught my attention. Namely, because it admits the plausible association between circulating cationic bovine(cow) serum albumin (BSA, a common vaccine … Continue reading
Vaccination and Renal Patients: A critical examination of assumed safety and effectiveness. ~ Suzanne Humphries, MD
October 4, 2011 “…health is not sacrosanct or free from vested interests. The traditional grandeur of the learned profession of medicine cannot be taken for granted. It has to be earned by every new generation of physicians.”[1] Nephrologists are in … Continue reading
Dr Suzanne on vaccines, vitamin C, breast feeding, delayed cord clamping, alkalizing and more.
Audio HERE
In Vaccines We Trust? Paul Offit threatens religious and philosophical vaccine exemptions. A response by Suzanne Humphries, MD
Millionaire vaccine inventor and mandatory vaccine advocate Paul Offit recently released a short VIDEO for doctors on medscape. Here is a transcript of the speech. This statement that outlines Offit’s personal belief system could be a prelude to the legal … Continue reading
Osteoporisis is Scurvy of the bone, not calcium deficiency. Suzanne Humphries, MD
“A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.“~Proverbs 17:22 It saddens me to see older women diagnosed with “osteopenia” or “osteoporosis” listening to their doctors and taking supplemental calcium and even problematic drugs called bisphosphonates. … Continue reading
Common vaccine ingredient implicated in NEJM article as causative in serious type of kidney disease. By Suzanne Humphries, MD
To read the article click on the link HERE